November 17, 2013

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

How’s it going? This is the third postcard I’ve mailed out to you. You can visit to review my previous postcards. Again, if you’re not a member of the LDS church, please pardon this intrusion, as my ward address list is outdated.

Church leaders, including the First Presidency who denied my appeal, have judged and condemned me, not because I have a problem, but because they have one. Church leaders have strayed so far from honoring the principles of D&C 50:7-25, that now they excommunicate those who honor them.

It was predicted, in Ezekiel 34, that prior the Lord’s second coming, the Lord would be against His leaders, for using force and cruelty to rule His people, which is a denial of these principles.

If a gun was pointed at someone, and a threat issued, that they would experience "physical death," unless they rendered unquestioning obedience, wouldn’t this be forceful and cruel?

How much more forceful and cruel, would it be, if a threat was issued, that someone would experience "spiritual death" through excommunication, unless they rendered unquestioning obedience?

How do you think I felt, when church leaders threatened to kill me spiritually, unless I agreed to render unquestioning obedience? Rather than wanting to achieve the mutual understanding and edification required by God in D&C 50:7-25, they told me to accept a church position without question, or else.

Then, they pulled the trigger, on the, "or else," by taking away my church membership, when really, the problem was their unwillingness to answer a few questions, that we might achieve the mutual understanding and edification required by the Lord.

In essence, they sought to pull a beam out of my eye, when actually, they have a mote in their own eye, which needs to be pulled out first, because it’s blinding them to the truth of D&C 50:7-25.

I’m still waiting for church leaders to answer a few questions about a church position. I won’t receive it, in the way they’ve told me to, which is a way, that’s "not of God," according to D&C 50:7-25.

So, please encourage church leaders to answer my questions.

Also, please encourage church leaders to embrace 2 Nephi 32:5. If they won’t, D&C 50:7-25 won’t make sense to them. In order to comprehend the significance of D&C 50:7-25, we must believe that Holy Ghost is meant to show us "all things" what we should do, as stated in 2 Nephi 32:5.

In fact, a lack of belief in 2 Nephi 32:5, is the mote in eyes of church leaders, that is blinding them to the truth of D&C 50:7-25, and to the truth of my innocence before God, for this is what I believed, that offended church leaders so much, that they decided to excommunicate me from the church.


Aaron McMillan

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